Who We Are

"There comes a time when silence is betrayal…in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

The League of Voters for Equality is a grassroots social movement that aims to change the world by conquering small predominately white northern towns. A global impact can be achieved, we believe, by taking meaningful local action. The idea is to create a political climate for systemic change by fundamentally shifting the way in which people see each other and their own role in society. LOVE opposes hate and supports efforts to bring about equality for all. Elements of hate in our society are a symptom of a larger disease: the apathy and complacency that allows prejudice to thrive and structural discrimination to persist. We aim to help dismantle systemic discrimination at the top by cutting off any life blood it might draw from rural white areas. LOVE’s magic is manifest in the lionhearted souls willing to raise their voices and stand. Each of us can take a stand in a way we feel comfortable doing, and with each voice the chorus of love grows until its force is so overwhelming that none can stand in its way.

Pillars of LOVE

"When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to stand up, speak up, speak out, and find a way to get in the way and get in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble."
— John Lewis

Reduce Bigotry

Identify, isolate and marginalize elements of bigotry in local government and prominent local institutions.

Welcome Minorities

Create a warm and inviting climate for minorities in our local community.

Change Policy

Advocate with town governments to affirm statements of shared values that celebrate diversity.

Create Opportunity

Support local efforts to create educational and recreational opportunities for disadvantaged segments of the community.

From our blog

"We need in every bay and community a group of angelic troublemakers."
— Bayard Rustin

A Historic Call to Action

on August 4, 2020

The Antidote to Hate is LOVE Seismic political changes happen when the vast majority of decent and caring people in the middle shift their position in one direction or another. Unlike radical elements on the fringes of society, it takes rather extraordinary circumstances to move the middle, steady-handed and disinclined toward upheaval as they are. But the times we live through are now critical, and it is the civic duty of each person of conscience to take a stand and defend the core values of our Republic, among them Equality and Justice.

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EatonLOVE.org Website Published

on August 4, 2020

EatonLOVE Gets a Digital Presence We’re excitied to announce the publishing of the EatonLOVE.org website! The website will be a vehicle to publish our thoughts, upcoming events, and press coverage as well as allow interested parties to get in contact with us. Please have a look around, enjoy the awesome pictures by Josh Laskin, and check out the links to press coverage of events. There are many ways to get involved and show support for LOVE’s mission.

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